He doesn´t know what happens here

In Spain we have (we suffer) the same problem. The spanish political hordes consider our homeland as a place for business and for getting strong that artificial nation called Spain. They don´t mind the ancient language we speak here, called "lingua navarrorum"; they don´t mind our own history as a free people who established a reign on the 9th century; they don´t mind that we have another way to organise day by day life. Pepiño Blanco, Spanish Socialist Party´s Organization Secretary, represents more than any other politican that kind of people who cannot understand what happens here. We all remember his words when a journalist asked him about the resignation of Socialist Youths of Navarre: his words full of disregard about their decision hurt the ears of the people who have faith in self determination of our country.
The enemy of this beloved homeland has a million faces. Pepiño Blanco is just one of them: one simple man who belongs to the stranger hordes that don´t understand what happens here. Or maybe he does understand but don´t want to accept it.
Long life Navarre. Foral Power.
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