FORAL POWER (Foru Boterea - Poder Foral)

There´s nothing to celebrate

The foral government will celebrate the military anexion of Navarra to Castille, fact which happened on 2012. In my humble opinion, there is nothing to celebrate; there is nothing to give thanks for: there is nothing to feel happiness for. Is it fair to celebrate that a free people has been conquered by violence, almost pulled to death?

We have been told that history was written by winners. Maybe. Probably that´s why Government of Navarre wants to celebrate that Castille annexed the Old Reign. That´s the point: the Foral Government considers that Navarre was not the victim of a war, but the allied which Castille signed an agreement with. It´s the point of view the key which changes the history.

For the patriots of Navarre, 2012 will be a year of condolence and sadness. But we cannot stop there, because there are a lot of work to do for our homeland.  So let´s not waste our time by feeding our pain. Just let´s take advantage of the celebration and let´s start a claiming from now till year 2012.

"There´s nothing to celebrate. Navarre will rise again." That could be our motto. Hail brothers and patriots of the Old Reign!


1 comentario

Xabier -

Kaixo Raul! E-mail bat bidali nahi izan dizut eta Euskaltel-eko helbide zaharrera egin dut, ez baitut zure helbide berririk inon topatu. Ez baduzu jada e-mail hori begiratzen, idatzidazu nere betiko helbidera zure e-mailaren berri izan dezadan.

Ondo ibili eta zorionak blogarengatik!